Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Alison and I am so glad you are here. I wanted to use my first blog post to tell you a little bit more about myself and what you might see in the future of this blog and website.

I have many titles. I am a wife, mom, wedding photographer, travel agent, and book lover, just to name a few. To read a little bit more about me, you can visit the About Me section!
So what are you going to see on this site?
The main reason and focus of this site will be my blog posts. These will range from book reviews, blog tours, feature authors, and so much more. The possibilities are endless and I can not wait to see where this journey takes me.

Like most people, I would make New Years resolutions but never kept up with it. Then I decided to just choose a word that I wanted to focus on for the year and that didn't really pan out either. For the past two years, I have chosen a phrase. In 2022, my phrase was "Find your passion." I grew very burnt out with work and the every day mundane, I wanted something that was just for me. I found my passion in reading again. This year my phrase is "Do what you love." So that is what I am doing! I am taking my passion and turning it into something I truly enjoy, not because I have to, but because I want to.

Today is launch day and I am SO EXCITED! This site will be a work in progress for awhile. (Here is where I can talk about my goals!) I am a strong enneagram 3 and I LOVE goals.
While the main focus of this site will be my blog to talk all things books, I will also be launching a shop for handmade book related merchandise: shirts, totes, sweaters, ect.
Another future project I am working on is a book subscription box. More details of that to come soon!

If you've made it this far, thank you so very much! I sincerely love all the support I have received from my book friends on this new journey I am taking. Please note that I am not a writer, which is kind of funny that I'm doing a blog that involves writing. I just want my share my love of reading with others and be my most authentic and honest self with you all!
Thank you for reading!
-Alison Shane Reads